Sustainable Development Goals Awards
The Sustainable Goals Award is one of the most prominent awards in the ASDF Global Awards. It is usually given to the individual or the institute which contributes to one among the 17 Action Lines specified by the United Nations as a part of their goals. The SDG Awards was created to support the next era of sustainability leadership. Specifically, by driving private sector SDG engagement through competition. Our mission is to create a race to the top and to inspire others with examples of next-generation sustainability leadership. SDG leadership deserves recognition. The tangible impact this initiative had, the number of people impacted, policies/legislation changed will be considered during the evaluation of this award’s candidature.
- The nominee institute must be a member of ASDF.
- Should have contributed minimum 2 in the particular action line(s).
- The institute should possess a minimum qualification as per the norms.
- The institute should haven't received any ASDF awards in the recent 2 years .
- Engineering, Arts & Science, Polytechnic and Universities alone can apply for this award.
- Should be a live member of ASDF on the time of receiving the award.
- In-Person visit or Tele verification will be there for each and every finalist.
- Judging is completely done based on the report of the Jury Statement after visit/call.
- Ability to achieve the vision will be considered and will be judged.
- The innovativeness and research ability of the nominee will be valued.
- Psychometric Analysis will be done during the Visit or the Telephonic Verifications with the Institute Representative.
- Previous Nominations and other related informations will be ascertained.